On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 22:16:22 +0200, G. Schlisio wrote: > hi list, > i played around with neo2, an alternative kbd layout optimized for > german. in my kde environment. > the main concept of neo is using meta keys to shift between layers. > for me, the meta4 key is not working on either side. i found some > suggestions to solve this problem, but nothing worked so far. > anybody out there knowing, how to fix this? > and how can i enable neo in initramfs, for input of my encryption pw?
For X11 and Linux console this is completely separate. For the console, you configure the keymap in /etc/vconsole.conf, and you add "keymap" to the HOOKS line in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf to have it loaded early in the initrd to enter your encryption pw. For X11 you either use KDE's keyboard settings (since Neo is apparantly shipped with xkeyboard-config, it should be listed by xkb), or you just run setxkbmap somewhere in your X startup scripts as suggested by Robbie. Geert (Colemak user) -- geert.hendrickx.be :: ge...@hendrickx.be :: PGP: 0xC4BB9E9F This e-mail was composed using 100% recycled spam messages!