> Kevin, you seem to be fairly advanced user. How about creating a vm with
> Arch and getting an alternative to udev running?

Seems is probably the right word. We are all fools fiddling in the dark
to some degree with different ground covered. Some of us have more
powerful torches and some keep to the lit roads more ;-)

You might find this hard to believe and maybe arch wasn't the
best choice (but not too bad so far) but a large reason of coming to
Arch was to reduce my time spent on admin and not increase it and I
can't afford any time at the moment. I don't really have an issue with
udev, it breaks little and is perfectly replaceable. Build time will
increase now but more options will become more prominent or it will fork
if it isn't suitably maintained. The kernel is unlikely to break
anything :-) on purpose or for a long time atleast.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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