> > "We", is me and the people that don't like the systemd+udev beast, and
> > they are a lot.  
> Huh?  I've never seen any complaints about udev before you.  Mind you,
> udev is around since 2003.

Actually it's completely different to back in 2003 because of huge
amounts of complaints. Check lwn.net

>  It was merged into systemd's source, but
> it's not a problem to use it without running systemd.  Otherwise your
> system won't run, don't you think?  Udev provides /dev after all...
> Wikipedia says you can use something else, but libudev itself is in
> use.

Where's the link, does it mean for dynamic /dev otherwise that's
completely wrong and libudev != udev/systemd.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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