On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 03:11:16PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> > Not because
> > it is good software but because the other adequate software that this
> > community depends on is going to require it.
> Let me know so I'm aware what the software you have in mind is if it
> hasn't been mentioned please.
> Debian and Ubuntu plus the BSDs make up far more of the user base than
> the rest put together and has Redhat switched yet?, so when I think
> about it, I find this unlikely. Programs may need compiling to work
> with or without systemd which will be annoying as I don't agree with
> wasting resources building everything in the Gentoo style, though it
> would be handy.
> --
> _______________________________________________________________________
> 'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
> together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
> universal interface'
> (Doug McIlroy)
> ______________________________________________________________________
If I recall correctly I don't believe you would have to modify any program to
work with systemd, the only thing you'd have to do is create a unit for it.
(Though I could be wrong please correct me if I'm wrong.)_