On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 8:21 PM, Timothy Rice <t.r...@ms.unimelb.edu.au>wrote:

> > As a rolling release, Arch is usually the leader of adopt new technology.
> > But now, Arch is falling behind Debian now. So sad.
> Arch Linux is also about simplicity. For me, this is more important
> than the rolling-releaseness and bleeding-edgeness. If Arch lags behind
> Debian, that is fine by me; some things that Debian does by default I
> don't like because of their complexity. Also keep in mind, once upon a
> time, Debian was the bleeding edge distro; if Debian wants to reclaim
> that title then more power to Debian.
> I like both Debian and Arch, and I say, let's not get too stressed if
> Debian
> is occasionally more cutting edge. It's all still Linux, and Arch can only
> thrive on a little competition of this nature.
Arch is still a simple system that you can still build from the ground up
(and in fact the installer has gone 'back to the roots' recently). I don't
think this change makes arch any less KISS, IMO.

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