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On Aug 3, 2012 10:41 AM, "Vladimir Lomov" <lomov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> ** Arno Gaboury [2012-08-03 09:42:48 +0200]:
> > On 03/08/12||11:06, Vladimir Lomov wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> ** Arno Gaboury [2012-07-31 10:23:15 +0200]:
> >>> Dear list,
> >>> I use Texlive + Texmaker to write some documents.
> >>> I can't find an easy and solid way to install new packages from
> >>> CTAN.Package tlmgr from AUR couldn't compil on my box and will not do
> >>> the job.Installing manually new packages doesn't seem to be a good
> >>> and is not very straightforward.
> >>> Thank you for any advice.
> >> Just two question:
> >> 1. did you read the Wiki?
> >>  [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Texlive]]
> >> 2. what package are you wanted to install?
> > Yes I read the WIKI maybe 5 times, and other documents.
> > I was unable to makepkg texlive-localmanager-git.
> Sorry, no help here, I don't use it.
> > I wanted a tool to manage packages from CTAN.
> AFAIK, there is no such tool.
> > The package I wanted is <specfont>.
> CTAN doesn't know that package, as well as `specfront', though there is
> `fontspec' package.
> > It is included in Texlive 2012, but doesn't work. When
> > \usepackage{specfront}, Texmaker returns an error.
> Exact error message? MWE?
> BTW, ask TeX related questions on either tex.SE, texhax or comp.text.tex
> > Btw, it is not a great deal, but other users have trouble too with the
> > AUR Texlive Local Manager. Is is same as what is called <tlmgr>?
> Don't know, I personally have TeX Live installed in parallel to
> distribution 'texlive'.
> ---
> WBR, Vladimir Lomov
> --
> Everyone wants results, but no one is willing to do what it takes to get
>                 -- Dirty Harry

Sorry for my dyslexie, it is indeed the fontspec package. This package is
in Texlive and supposed to work with Texlive 2012, according to the readme
on the CTAN website.

I managed without.

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