Hello, ** Arno Gaboury [2012-08-03 09:42:48 +0200]: > On 03/08/12||11:06, Vladimir Lomov wrote: >> Hello, >> ** Arno Gaboury [2012-07-31 10:23:15 +0200]:
>>> Dear list, >>> I use Texlive + Texmaker to write some documents. >>> I can't find an easy and solid way to install new packages from >>> CTAN.Package tlmgr from AUR couldn't compil on my box and will not do >>> the job.Installing manually new packages doesn't seem to be a good idea >>> and is not very straightforward. >>> Thank you for any advice. >> Just two question: >> 1. did you read the Wiki? >> [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Texlive]] >> 2. what package are you wanted to install? > Yes I read the WIKI maybe 5 times, and other documents. > I was unable to makepkg texlive-localmanager-git. Sorry, no help here, I don't use it. > I wanted a tool to manage packages from CTAN. AFAIK, there is no such tool. > The package I wanted is <specfont>. CTAN doesn't know that package, as well as `specfront', though there is `fontspec' package. > It is included in Texlive 2012, but doesn't work. When > \usepackage{specfront}, Texmaker returns an error. Exact error message? MWE? BTW, ask TeX related questions on either tex.SE, texhax or comp.text.tex > Btw, it is not a great deal, but other users have trouble too with the > AUR Texlive Local Manager. Is is same as what is called <tlmgr>? Don't know, I personally have TeX Live installed in parallel to distribution 'texlive'. --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- Everyone wants results, but no one is willing to do what it takes to get them. -- Dirty Harry