
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:40:21AM +0300, Mantas Mikulėnas wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Arvid Warnecke <ar...@nostalgix.org> wrote:
> > When looking into /var/log/pm-suspend.log it seems that hibernating went
> > well: lots of "success" messages and no errors. But when I then start
> > the MacBook again it does not resume but boots normally. fsck detects
> > that disks haven't been unmounted orderly, recovers journal and I am
> > back to a fresh booted system then.
> I just have to ask: do you still have the "resume" hook and the
> related option in kernel command line? I remember this happening when
> I accidentally lost mine a few weeks earlier.
I removed the option from the kernel command line when I noticed that it
does not seem to solve my issues. And I have few changes in
/etc/acpi/handler.sh which made hibernating possible when closing the
lid in the first place:

        case "$3" in
                echo "LID closed!">/dev/tty5
                #vbetool dpms off
                echo "LID opened!">/dev/tty5
                xset -display :0 dpms force on


[ Arvid Warnecke ][ arvid (at) nostalgix (dot) org ]
[ IRC/OPN: "madhatter" ][ http://www.nostalgix.org ]
---[  ThreePiO was right: Let the Wookiee win.  ]---

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