On 07/09/2012 12:54 PM, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
Judging from a brief read of that paragraph I would even conclude that
they cannot really use our name and trademark directly as they changed
too much. :-)
They chose to be completely independent from us which has up- and
downsides. And as lots of other derivatives thy implemented their own
tools and infrastructure.
My point wasn't to spear the site -- in a way, the more and different
variations of Arch -- the better. The original thought that provoked the
discussion was link to ARM forum thread that dealt exactly with the util-linux
conflicts I see on my box. When I followed the link to
http://archlinuxarm.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3036&p=18467 I was presented
with what looked like an Arch site but required a separate login/pass to post.
(no big deal, just confusing). I just wanted to make sure that there were not
2 forums for different issues in Arch. (I couldn't see why there would be, but
it was confusing enough to point it out)
Thanks for the info and clarification Tom/Pierre, all. Learning occurred.
Looks like the ARM folks have shadow issues to solve as well :)
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.