On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 5:21 PM, David C. Rankin
<drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
> On 07/09/2012 11:16 AM, Daniel Wallace wrote:
>> Because Archlinuxarm is unsupported by Archlinux. it is a seperate
>> project.  The same reason archbang, chakra, bridgelinux, and
>> archlinux-ppc are seperate as well.
> Grrrr. Thanks Daniel,
>   That's what was confusing -- ARM certainly looks official flying the Arch
> Linux trademarked logo, etc....
>   So I guess anyone can create any forum and fly the Arch logo? Sounds like
> a "cease and desist" letter would fix that problem.

Notice that some use of our trademark by derivatives is allowed[0].


(who recently started using ArchLinux ARM and is a big fan)


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