Am 26.02.2012 16:58, schrieb Jesse Juhani Jaara:
sunnuntai, 26. helmikuuta 2012 12:55:51 rafael ff1 kirjoitti:
Suggestion: you could provide translations strings in Transifex, so
translators would have an easier way to follow the progress of
translation and to deliver translations to you (instead of many emails
for all languages). IMO, it is a very nice solution. And if I'm not
wrong, it is free for opensource projects.

Well it isin't that hard to do clone the repo in github and and setup up git
on your machine and push the trabslation to github :D

I think thats true. But why no making it as easy as possible for translators?

I can do finnish one if I find enought enthousiasm

Thank you!

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