On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 07:24:25PM +0000, Andrea Crotti wrote:
> On 02/25/2012 07:22 PM, Jesse Juhani Jaara wrote:
> >lauantai, 25. helmikuuta 2012 20:19:31 Jan Steffens kirjoitti:
> >>Probably gnome-settings-daemon
> >The GNOME Settings Daemon is responsible for setting various parameters of a
> >GNOME Session and the applications that run under it.
> >Short: is the GConf X settings daemon.
> >
> >Sure it launches that but is totally irrelevant here, it only manages Gnome's
> >settings, just like the name suggests :D
> Alright good, then I'll shut down all these things, fire up awesome
> and try to
> get everything working..
> But another thing, is there a way to find out what command is exactly run
> when pressing things in the gnome-panel?
> (For example when I launch suspend from the gnome-panel, what is it
> executed?)

The "Suspend" menu item calls ConsoleKit over DBus; the method calls are listed 

Note that the item does not 'execute' anything; DBus method calls are done by 
gnome-panel itself. You can use `dbus-send`, `gdbus call`, `qdbus`, Net::DBus, 
or whatever you like.

Mantas Mikulėnas <graw...@gmail.com>

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