yes i appologise for the top posting i have nothing in that way of mail clients 
running postiong via yahoo's web mail system and it does not allow me to bottom 
post very sorry for the un needed hassles i hate top posting my self  many 
appolagies to the list .

Thanks i will give it a try  i cant resize with fdisk without losing it all can 
i  i dont have a disk with gparted on it and no way to burn one either  ..


--- On Sat, 28/1/12, G. Schlisio <> wrote:

From: G. Schlisio <>
Subject: Re: [arch-general] Another Major glitch now
Date: Saturday, 28 January, 2012, 16:52

Am 28.01.2012 17:49, schrieb P NIKOLIC:
> Hi ..
> It seems for some strange reason the Hard disk may be full  well the / 
> partition at least si the install may not have completed  now have to think 
> about this one  see if i can resize the / partition i have space on /home  
> need to shrink that and extend / good fun .. not .
> Pete .
> --- On Sat, 28/1/12, G. Schlisio<>  wrote:
> From: G. Schlisio<>
> Subject: Re: [arch-general] Another Major glitch now
> To:
> Date: Saturday, 28 January, 2012, 16:39
> Am 28.01.2012 17:35, schrieb P NIKOLIC:
>> Well it seems no help then     it seems parts are working parts are not  so 
>> how do i set about  uninstalling KDE 4.8 and reverting to the previous 
>> working version  or is 4.8 the new viersion now if so it has problems
>> Pete .
>> --- On Sat, 28/1/12, P NIKOLIC<>   wrote:
>> From: P NIKOLIC<>
>> Subject: [arch-general] Another Major glitch now
>> To:
>> Date: Saturday, 28 January, 2012, 15:43
>> I have just updated the system  now on kde4.8 but all i get is kmix and a 
>> white screen noting else works at all  even that took 12 mins to  come up
>>       (ps the update was a normal pacman -Suy )
>> Pete   (sent from webamil on the lappy cus main machine is futzed )
> can you drop to a shell? if so, get some internet connection and
> retrieve the old packages from
> you'll find the kde packages in extra.
> you can just install them with a bit bash-hacking (awk, sed, wget, etc).
> if you want hints, just ask.
erm, small advice: there is strong bottom post policy on this list. dont 
make a discussion of ist, happend often enough… just wanted to have said.
your prob:
how about just removing kde, so you get space for repairing it? maybe a
# pacman -Scc
gets you some more free space (emptiing the packege cache

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