On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 8:54 PM, C Anthony Risinger <anth...@xtfx.me> wrote:
> i think static arises because this list, or any other list by
> definition and without condition, spams hundreds[++] of people.  the
> title is casually referenced as "General Discussion", but the often
> omitted qualifier is "... about Arch Linux" :-)
> i, for example, follow this list to get the heads up on potential
> problems thru the experiences of others, and offer my own
> suggestions/feedback as necessary. i also enjoy absorbing the many
> gems shared by others, especially those who are very knowledgeable on
> Arch or other areas of distribution/software development.  but i
> expect 95% to be specifically related to Arch.
> ... i can't say i'm particularly interested in Apple/iPad and
> what-have-you though.  people often suggest using the forums because
> they truly are a great resource, have a much wider focus/audience, and
> people are able to follow only the topics that interest them.
> since a list is black-or-white, in-or-out, the topic must be narrowed
> to maintain user interest and attendance.
> --
> C Anthony


I totally agree. I even used to get the list as a digest, in order to avoid
getting tons of messages I do not care about everyday. I did turn out that it is
harder to organize them that way though, so I switched back to normal emails. I
am not sure how active the forums are compared to the mailing list, but to be
honest I do not really care. I have found that the Arch wiki in combination with
Google,  are usually enough. Worst case scenario, if you are not that
familiar/good with Linux, you spend a little more time on Google. Add to that
the fact that if you opt for Arch, you should really try things by yourself and
find out on your own what works and what not. Arch is a very hands-on
distribution and I am sure that is one of the reasons many users choose it.

--Chris Sakalis

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