Hi, Ralf,

Ralf Mardorf (2012-01-27 14:52):
> Hi :)
> I won a MC770FD/A iPad 2 Wi-Fi 32GB Black. I'm uncertain if I should
> retain or sell it. The iPad was delivered today and I still didn't
> configure it. I don't need all those consumer toys and I don't like
> proprietary software, especially I don't like Apple regarding to the
> company's policy.
This mailing list is for "General Discussion about Arch Linux" [1].
[1] http://mailman.archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/

Life questions should be addressed to https://bbs.archlinux.org (and you
would find a better audience there). Or am I the only one wondering why
this list is turning into a forum?

> Because I never used Wi-Fi or Bluetooth I wonder if those elCheapo USB
> 2.0 solutions will work with kernel ex 3.0-rt or at least with kernel ex
> 3.2 without rt patch.
> http://www.reichelt.de/WLAN-Adapter/0/16/index.html?;ACTION=2;LA=2;GROUPID=770;SID=13TyKWTH8AAAIAADxiRjke9dfa8a88a9e2044f346f70b4c26a4ce
> http://www.reichelt.de/index.html?ACTION=2;GROUPID=4321;SEARCH=Bluetooth
> Any hints are welcome,

Wifi is better suited for internet connectivity (and Linux might have
problems with bluetooth in this regard). For wireless devices, look at
this list: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices/USB
A device supporting hardware access point mode would be best.
I used an old one from the list (a Zydas ZD1221) and it worked fine, but
I didn't try to run an access point.

--  Rogutės Sparnuotos

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