On Monday 16 Jan 2012 17:14:30 Jesse Juhani Jaara wrote:
> Only thing you need to do is to set the HDMI and internal cards profiles to
> disabled.
> On KDE:
> 1 KDE system setting app
> 2. Multimedia configuration panel
> 3. Phonen sub menu
> 4. 2nd tab (Sound HW) in the phonon settings screen
> 5. (Sound) card: [for both internal and NVIDIA HDMI]
> 6. Profile: Disabled/off     or what ever it is in your locale or in
> english...
> on other DE/WMs
> 1. install pavucontrol
> 2. open pavucontrol
> 3. follow the KDE stuff from step 4

well i have that set but i still get   

the audio device  USB  does n ot work falling back to  falling back to Nvidia  

Which is supposed to be disabled 

that is when trying to play any of the KDE card / tile type games  Mahjongg  , 
shieen Sho    and the likes 

Pete .

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