On Monday 16 Jan 2012 12:10:03 Ralf Madorf wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-01-16 at 11:36 +0200, Jesse Jaara wrote:
> > Yous hould no't have n eeded to do that. Pulseaudio should only be
> > needed
> > by application whick don't do anything without pulseadio. We have
> > libpulse package that provides pulseaudio lib for applications linked
> > with PA support like mplayer....
> Perhaps some KDE app forced Pete to install PA?
> I was forced to install it.
> GNOME3 force you to install pulseaudio, but at least for my usage it's
> not needed, it only cause trouble. I'm not sure if I'll install GNOME3
> on my Arch, perhaps I'll test Mate. I used GNOME2 (it was upgraded to 3)
> and XFCE with Debian. Currently for my Arch I'm using XFCE only.
> For Arch GDM forced me to install PA. I know that there are other login
> managers available, but since I guess that I'll install some GNOME apps,
> PA might become an issue in the future, so I kept GDM and already
> replaced PA by a dummy package.

I installed PA because i could not get sound to work with alsa with this darn 
thing on the Nvidia card  the onboard was easy just disable it in the bios  
but the Nvidia HDMI thing is a real invasive pain 

Pete .

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