On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Magnus Therning  wrote:

> >> Second, my own experience lead me to disable [haskell] repository
> >> on my computers because some packages were out of date but where
> >> picked before AUR ones by the aur helper I use.
> >
> > Hence the confusion around this issue. If Haskell AUR packages are
> > indeed being deprecated then is [haskell] now more of a definitive
> > source or is it *also* not well maintained?
> I'd say it's fairly well maintained.

Well maybe my experience on this is not the latest. Last time I tried
[haskell] was some months ago and I believe there was some changes in the
arch-haskell team since.

Anyway some of the old arch-haskell PKGBUILDs in the AUR have been adopted
since the mass orphan and I think the situation will get better there as
maintenance will be spread among more people.

Cédric Girard

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