So is the current best practice for Haskell on Arch something like this:

0. Always prefer to source Haskell packages from official Arch repos
now that they are updated
1. Always add the [haskell] repo to pacman.conf
2. Always avoid AUR Haskell packages (they are mostly out of date)
3. Always avoid plain cabal, use cabal2arch instead
4. Only if a package isn't in official repos or [haskell], use
cabal2arch to create a package

I know that this may seem like oversimplification, but despite
following the various Haskell issues and lists closely I occasionally
come away confused about current recommendations, and I'm not sure
that the wiki is up to date on this issue.

Thanks for any guidance,

Ethan Schoonover
Github/Freenode: altercation - Solarized:

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 12:59, Magnus Therning <> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 11:31:09AM +0100, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
> [...]
>> Btw adopted xmonad,xmonad-contrib, these packages will be updated
>> today.
> When building xmonad-extras against these updated packages I noticed
> that you didn't include a version compiled with profiling enabled
> (maybe not such an important thing to have though), nor did you
> include any haddock documentation (that might be a useful thing to
> include).
> /M
> --
> Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
> email:   jabber:
> twitter: magthe     
> I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have
> C++ in mind.
>     -- Alan Kay

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