On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 02:36, Damjan <gdam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The symptoms do not seem like a keyboard layout problem (which would
> affect everything in X) or a font problem.
> Also, the font and layout settings in rc.conf (or /etc/vconsole.conf)
> have NO effect for X.
> What this looks like is the setup of the locale, either in the shell or
> the terminal (they are different programs and the locale can be different).
> To check this, first run these 2 commands:
>  $ locale
>  $ env  | egrep 'LC_|LANG'
> it will tell you the state of the shell
> second, run:
>  $ xargs -0 -n1 < /proc/-the-pid-of-the-terminal-/environ | \
>     egrep 'LC_|LANG'
> it will tell you what the terminal thinks the locale is.
> My guess is that the terminal will not have the proper locale, and
> unfortunately it's not very clear how the environment of the X session
> is set. Especially since different login managers have different scripts
> to start the session.
> I set the locale in my ~/.xprofile - which by most long standing
> conventions should working all login managers.
> Alas, I can't guarantee it (damn non-standard session scripts).

Spot on!  As you can see in an email from me yesterday :)

I even solved it in the way you suggest, by setting the locale in ~/.xprofile :)


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
email: mag...@therning.org   jabber: mag...@therning.org
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