> There is nothing that stands out, and changing the font doesn't
> improve things at all :(
> I also tried logging into Gnome3 (using GDM) and then I do get the
> accented characters, in both lxterminal and gnome-terminal.

The symptoms do not seem like a keyboard layout problem (which would
affect everything in X) or a font problem.

Also, the font and layout settings in rc.conf (or /etc/vconsole.conf)
have NO effect for X.

What this looks like is the setup of the locale, either in the shell or
the terminal (they are different programs and the locale can be different).

To check this, first run these 2 commands:

  $ locale
  $ env  | egrep 'LC_|LANG'

it will tell you the state of the shell

second, run:

  $ xargs -0 -n1 < /proc/-the-pid-of-the-terminal-/environ | \
     egrep 'LC_|LANG'

it will tell you what the terminal thinks the locale is.

My guess is that the terminal will not have the proper locale, and
unfortunately it's not very clear how the environment of the X session
is set. Especially since different login managers have different scripts
to start the session.

I set the locale in my ~/.xprofile - which by most long standing
conventions should working all login managers.
Alas, I can't guarantee it (damn non-standard session scripts).


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