On 12/13/2011 09:04 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

  I'm not sure exactly what your goal is, but my advice is never use any
mail client's local storage for anything.

  I'd suggest you run a local imap server (dovecot works well) - keep
the data dir on a partition that is common to all your local linux
installs (and copy the dovecot configs of course to each version of linux).

  Now just move your ISP mail to your local imap server - any client
will be able to see all mail on the local server.

  Thunderbird will let you use message filters to autp move the mail
from ISP to local imap (while TB is running) or just do it by hand as
you read the email ... I'm sure there are standalone tools to copy /
move between 2 imap mail boxes as well if you need more than client to
do it.


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