-----Original Message-----
From: Kazuo Teramoto [mailto:kaz....@gmail.com]
Sent: Tue 12/13/2011 13:22
To: Ralf Mardorf; arch-general@archlinux.org
Subject: Re: [arch-general] offlineimap
On 2011-12-12T22:29:56, Ralf Madorf wrote:
>I suspect that offlineimap isn't what I need for the wanted task:
>- to download emails from my providers server
>- to delete them from the server when the download is finished
>- to keep them on my computer, to get access to the emails from
>  different Linux installs

I think that for 1 and 2 (download and delete) you can use getmail with
pop3 and 'delete = true' option.


That's the way it's usually done.


I never used like this but from the
documentation [1] I think this do the intended.

For 3 is "different Linux installs" on same computer? If so, you can
simple use the same maildir. If not you can share the maildir via imap.

[1]: http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/configuration.html


At the moment Kmail and Evolution can't use the maildir generated by 
Some mailers aren't able to use maildir, there are tricks to use e.g. equal 
versions of thunderbird with their mail format.
I guess I need something that download mail from my providers server and that 
provides IMAP on my computer. Yes, several installs on the same machine. I 
guess what I need is a IMAP server on my machine that gets the mails from my 
provider, will delete them there and the mail clienets on my machine sync on my 
machine by IMAP.

Hm? Since maildir is a new format for Evolution I should test if it now is able 
to share it's maildir format by several Evolution mailers. In the past 
Evolution couldn't import it's own mails from backups without hacking :D.



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