On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Tom Gundersen wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:57 PM, clemens fischer wrote:
>> Lucky you, I have a way to explain it:  There are udev rules referencing
>> stuff in /usr.  If people mount /usr by-label or by-uuid, udev must have
>> completed to setup those symlinks.  Catch-22.
> If you want to understand this I suggest you look at the udev hook in
> initramfs. There is no problem.

Well, when I started this thread I did not know it get so much discussion.

Anyways, I'm not worried about it any more.

My root= on my kernel boot line is using /dev/by-uuid/ so if the
initramfs can find the root device, I'm sure it can find the /usr
device from the rootfs /etc/fstab.

I've not noticed any breakage on all my system's that have a seperate
/usr, apart from the message doing boot.

As long as the message and any potential problems from a seperate /usr
go away when the initramfs hook is completed, I'll be happy.


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