On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:57 PM, clemens fischer
<ino-n...@spotteswoode.dnsalias.org> wrote:
> Thomas Bächler wrote:
>> Am 25.10.2011 20:12, schrieb clemens fischer:
>>>> Mounting /usr needs to go to the initramfs. It is possible to
>>>> implement a mount handler for this. At this stage, the by-label
>>>> symlinks exist already.
>>> AFAIU udevd(8) is responsible for setting up those symlinks.  How can
>>> they exist _before_ udevd(8) is started?
>> I'll let you go back and read everything again, what you are saying
>> makes no sense whatsoever, and I have no idea how to reply to it.
> Lucky you, I have a way to explain it:  There are udev rules referencing
> stuff in /usr.  If people mount /usr by-label or by-uuid, udev must have
> completed to setup those symlinks.  Catch-22.

If you want to understand this I suggest you look at the udev hook in
initramfs. There is no problem.


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