On 04/29/2011 06:46 AM, Heiko Baums wrote:
Am Fri, 29 Apr 2011 11:02:22 +0200
schrieb Thomas Bächler<tho...@archlinux.org>:
Every recent operating system I know can handle UTC, even Windows
Vista (bugs before SP1, works with SP1 or later) and Windows 7, and
Windows XP is so old, it shouldn't be used anyway.
But there's a problem with Windows. Updating Windows is not as easy for
everybody as Linux is. There's a substantial buying resistance. So most
Windows users stay with their Windows version they once bought their
whole life, at least for the whole lifetime of their computer.
And as far as I know Windows XP shall be much better than Windows Vista.
I'm with Thomas here. If it bugs you that much submit some patches. It
seems as if you always have an opinion, but rarely have a solution
and/or patches.
Folks, don't forget, arch isn't a democracy. The developers do what they