On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 9:10 PM, gt <codere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 03:19:04AM +0200, Heiko Baums wrote:
>> Am Fri, 29 Apr 2011 09:01:23 +0800
>> schrieb Oon-Ee Ng <ngoonee.t...@gmail.com>:
>> > I was under the impression that windows versions from Windows XP
>> > onwards had a registry key which enabled them to use UTC time.
>> Well, I'm not using Windows anymore for many years. So I can be
>> wrong, but I didn't know such a registry key, yet.
>> Now I found one blog and one forum which point to such a registry key,
>> but you still have to use a registry editor or tweaker on Windows. So
>> it's not a common option in Windows, and I guess it's pretty unknown.
>> I'd suggest to better assume that Windows users usual have their
>> hardware clock set to localtime.
> Well, i sometimes use windows xp, though only for gaming. I didn't know
> that windows xp could be set to use UTC, even through a registry entry.
> After reading through this thread, i found info on how to enable UTC on
> windows. But there have been some bugs reported as well. So, if we
> indeed need to discourage use of localtime in rc.conf, firstly there
> should be a news entry about this. And if possible, post-installation,
> there should be instructions on how to enable UTC on windows.

a [brief] post-installation message seems a good compromise to me --
maybe even the registry file itself too -- but in the absence of both
this is still a good change imo.

setting the hardware clock to localtime is 100% broken and the links
provided in the original announcement explain the ramifications
clearly ... at least i thought there were links somewhere ... wtf,
where did i see them?  it was an arch-related mail because i read the
link ...

at any rate, a 5 second google search turned up:


download.  double-click.  done :-)

C Anthony

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