On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 12:09 AM, Ionuț Bîru <ib...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> On 04/10/2011 07:04 PM, Auguste Pop wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Oon-Ee Ng<ngoonee.t...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Or you could just save yourself the hassle and just switch over to
>>> XFCE, awesomewm, the possibilities are endless. More productive than
>>> pining over a DE that's now officially dead (dying).
>> xfce depends on gtk2. when gnome3 hits the repo, i assume gtk3 will
>> deprecate gtk2, which will in turn deprecate xfce. it is possible to
>> maintain gtk2 and gtk3 at the same time, but using a desktop
>> environment depending on a deprecated library seems not so good.
>> anyway, we are still using tons of applications depending on the
>> deprecated python2. :p
> gtk2 is not deprecated. it won't get any features but is still maintained
> --
> Ionuț

thank you for the information. i found a blog by matthias saying he
would maintain gtk2 for a long long time. that's quite reassuring. :-)

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