On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Dennis Beekman <d.c.beekman.de...@gmail.com> wrote: > I use linux becuase i think that windows is just to bloated to even be > considered ... but lately Linux has been going in the same direction when it > comes to the desktop enviroments Gnome 3 & KDE 4. > > Gnome 2 was brilliant just a simple easy to use system with load off good > looking features, gnome 3 however is useless in all respects as far as i can > tell from whats in testing. > > 1. You cannot change the panels anymore you stuck with the 2 given by gnome > 3. > 2. Changing themes also is inpossible.. or so it seems. > 3. Why do we need a system settings menu with all the options in one menu ? > where are my seperate icons i love so much ? why can we choose wich icons or > options we want ?
I believe (not very sure) that most of these can be changed by editing the themes themselves. Eventually I guess there'd be GUI tools to configure them, but not yet. There's just gnome-tweak-tool. > 4. What about the people ho don't have or don't wich to use they're video > hardware to run the these stupid graphics ... are we stuck with "fallback > mode" wich is even more stupid and backward ? > 5 Where did all the nice applets go ? and why can i not add them to my > taskbar anymore.... > > Can we not just keeps using the old version and ignore the new version of > gnome for now until they get they act together ? or hopefully decide to go > back to the old interface and develop that further instead ... Not how Arch works. You'd have to bring that up with Gnome devs. Not sure you'd have much luck there. Or you could just save yourself the hassle and just switch over to XFCE, awesomewm, the possibilities are endless. More productive than pining over a DE that's now officially dead (dying).