Am Wed, 6 Apr 2011 15:54:00 -0600 schrieb Thomas S Hatch <>:
> Unfortunately this particular issue is not like the good ol' > syslog-ng vs rsyslog debate, this one is about the present default > having bugs that upstream is not fixing. No, this issue is worse than the syslog-ng vs. rsyslog debate as it indeed appears almost every month as Sander already said. It's a lot more trivial than syslog-ng vs. rsyslog. And this cron discussion is always the same, always the same people with always the same arguments and most of the people vote for fcron. So there needs to be made a decision by the devs, so that this discussion finally can stop. Maybe there could be a voting period - maybe in the forums - or just on this mailing list or wherever, so that every user can vote for the preferred default cron daemon. Heiko