On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Grigorios Bouzakis <grb...@xsmail.com> wrote:
> Angus <charmen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But a script should be able to take care of this, no?
> Doesn't a script solve everything?
> Here is Arch's customized flyspray:
> http://projects.archlinux.org/vhosts/bugs.archlinux.org.git

Thanks. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with php (I've always found it
a bit too stinky stinky for my taste). If Arch would use Roundup or
something else python based I could probably hack it though...

> You guessed it, its because the maintainer has to become aware of the
> bug report. Which usually means someone should assign it to him :)

Again, I'm saying there should be a straightforward option for the
user to do that him/herself when filing the bug report. This I think
applies especially to a community like Arch, where there are many
packages (and thus bugs) to manage and users tend to be somewhat less
clueless then in most other communities. If flyspray can't be fixed to
include this basic functionality, perhaps replacing it with something
else would be a good idea?

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