> When I file a bug report with the Flyspray web interface, why can't I
> specify the package it concerns? Having that option should make it
> possible for the package maintainers to be immediately and
> automatically notified of the report.
> The way it works now seems to be that I have to wait for some generic
> bug janitor to manually assign my report to the maintainer of the
> package (correct me if I'm mistaken). For example, I filed a bug
> report nearly two days ago, but apparently no janitor (or any other
> maintainer) has looked at it jet, which means all that time is wasted
> for hardly any reason (and no, I won't specify which bug. It's
> irrelevant to the issue I'm addressing here.)
> I believe the coders among us appreciate efficiency and automation, so
> maybe we can improve this system?

...come on, not even a single flame or a "+1"? -_-;

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