Try the following


$ ping -c 5 google.com
$ ping -c 5
see if you get a response
2) now try and initiate a connection manually

$ telnet google.com 80

For troubleshooting,
* Trying Disabling Iptables and see if that solves the problem
$ /etc/rc.d/iptables stop
also check if your routing table is configured correctly
$ route -n

And lastly, see if the network interface has been correctly assigned
IP address, netmark and gateway
$ ifconfig -a

Hope this helps

Gaurish Sharma
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Vincent Van Houtte <v...@synergylaw.be> wrote:
> Hi group,
> Sorry to bother you (normally I don't intervene in this group and
> restrict myself to the forums), but I'm in a pickle at the moment:
> I have a server set up to be everything for my soho: dovecot, nfs,
> calendar, ldap, krb5 and also bind9 / iptables.
> Since I upgraded to a new server last friday, The clients on the network
> have no connection to the outside world anymore. Only the communication
> through the server is working (email and newsgroups, but also ssh to the
> server and then browsing in links2 works).
> So, there is a problem with transferring packets. These are my
> observations:
> - I enter the name of the website www.google.com
> - The browser gets an answer: redirect to www.google.be (this rules out
> a faulty iptables config, I think)
> - then my browser just sits there, waiting for packets that are not
> coming
> Updating via pacman or aptitude (Debian box) also fails.
> It is very hard debugging stuff like this, and using the internet to
> find the answer is out of the question...
> Does anyone have a clue?
> THX!
> Vincent

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