On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Shridhar Daithankar
<ghodech...@ghodechhap.net> wrote:
> On Monday 31 May 2010 09:48:51 Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
>> Nope. I have 24 addons in Firefox. Just cannot leave firefox. I loved
>> the chrome UI, so installed chromifox extreme (with chromifox
>> companion) which makes firefox look and behave like chrome :D
>> Firefox QT's screenshots are impressive, worth a try.
> Just a curious question from a casual firefox user. What addons do you use ?
> I have never used a single addon for firefox so just want to know.
> --
> Regards
>  Shridhar

1. Adblock Plus
2. Chromifox Companion
3. CoolPreviews
4. Delicious Bookmarks
5. Echofon
6. FastestFox
7. Firebug
8. Gmail Manager
9. Google Toolbar
10. greasedlightbox
11. GreaseFire
12. GreaseMonkey
13. Hide GUI Bars
14. Inline Code Finder for Firebug
15. Lazarus
16. Page Speed
17. PDF Download
18. Screengrab
19. Secure Login
20. Shorten URL
21. Stumbeupon
22. Tab Mix Plus
23. Vacuum Places Improved
24. The Chromifox Extreme Theme

Nilesh Govindarajan
Facebook: nilesh.gr
Twitter: nileshgr
Website: www.itech7.com

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