At Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010 16:25 Gaurish Sharma wrote:

> Joerg does has few odd things maybe because he is wrong or we are
> wrong but either way; we shouldn't be rude to him.he is the reason we
> have working cd/dvd burning support on Linux. AFAIK, he is working on
> cdrtools since 1995, much before I was knew what OSS was. he gave us
> his full source code & efforts  for benefit for community much like
> other free software devs. lets give him credit for that.


>  Also the truth is one person cannot be responsible for 50+threads.
> other people are replying to as well, so should be Joerg be blamed
> alone? if you want to ban, he should not be only one.

+100 and if you ban someone than you have to ban me because i'm the startpoint 
of this underthread ... a little cue in this case would be helpfull.-)

See you, Attila

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