Hi, Joerg does has few odd things maybe because he is wrong or we are wrong but either way; we shouldn't be rude to him.he is the reason we have working cd/dvd burning support on Linux. AFAIK, he is working on cdrtools since 1995, much before I was knew what OSS was. he gave us his full source code & efforts for benefit for community much like other free software devs. lets give him credit for that.
Also the truth is one person cannot be responsible for 50+threads. other people are replying to as well, so should be Joerg be blamed alone? if you want to ban, he should not be only one. Regarding licensing, I don't understand much( I am no lawyer) but from users perspective things are pretty good in Arch. default package is cdrkit which should be good enough for most users. if anyone faces any problem, he can always get original cdrtools from AUR. the real problem is with other big distros but that discussion is outside the scope of this mailing list. @Joerg schily I would suggest you spend your time more productively. if you feel/believe cdrkit fork is in conflict with the Copyright law & cannot be distributed legally. Please feel free to take legal action. your current strategy is clearing not working. if you can't take legal action due to some reason, its best to accept the current situation and move on with doing better things which are good use of your sharp mind. Wishing you success with whatever you choose to do. Regards, Gaurish Sharma www.gaurishsharma.com