On 04/20/2010 10:37 AM, Ananda Samaddar wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:40:27 +0200
> Thomas Haider <t.hai...@vcnc.org> wrote:
>> Am Tue, 20 Apr 2010 15:34:21 +0100
>> schrieb Ananda Samaddar <ana...@samaddar.co.uk>:
>>> Is there some reason that the gstreamer good plugins set needs a
>>> whole load of GNOME crap?
>>> http://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/gstreamer0.10-good-plugins/
>>> I've recently switched to XFCE and I'd like to avoid GNOME
>>> dependencies.  Is it possible to recompile from abs without all
>>> these dependencies?
>>> thanks,
>>> Ananda
>> This is of course possible, the gstreamer ./configure script allows to
>> disable most of the dependency-heavy features. ./configure --help list
>> all possibilities. This for example is the configuration i use:
>>   ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
>>     --disable-static --enable-experimental \
>>     --disable-schemas-install \
>>      --disable-gconf \
>>      --disable-hal \
>>      --disable-dv1394 \
>>      --disable-pulse \
>>      --disable-esd \
>>      --disable-esdtest \
>>      --disable-sunaudio \
>>      --disable-osx_audio \
>>      --disable-osx_video \
>>      --disable-flac \
>>      --disable-gst_v4l2 \
>>     --with-package-name="GStreamer Good Plugins (Archlinux)" \
>>     --with-package-origin="http://www.archlinux.org/"; || return 1
> Thanks for that, I'm created a custom PKGBUILD that removes all the
> GNOME crap, I'm going to upload it to the AUR when it's done.
> Ananda

You know,

        It still amazes me how people will take the position that all 
associated with
Gnome must be 'crap'. No don't get me wrong, I have no arguments with your basic
complaint that unnecessary dependencies need not be included with the gstreamer
packages. In fact, I agree.

        However, that notwithstanding, the general premise asserted in the 
"GNOME crap" is just flat wrong. Now I was a KDE guy, did a lot of beta work
with KDE4 and also enjoy enlightenment, the 'boxtops', windowmaker and recently
Gnome. From first-hand experience, I can tell you gnome is not crap. It is a
solid desktop built on the metacity wm that does a great many things right and a
handful of things I would do differently if I wrote desktops and wm's, but on
balance is an excellent desktop.

        Not to mention, it is just down right gorgeous:


        Oh well, at least the gstreamer packages stripped of unnecessary 
will be a great addition to AUR. Thank you for that. But no need to deride a
desktop just because whoever packaged it last included a few unneeded
dependencies :p

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
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