Am Tue, 20 Apr 2010 15:34:21 +0100
schrieb Ananda Samaddar <>:

> Is there some reason that the gstreamer good plugins set needs a whole
> load of GNOME crap?
> I've recently switched to XFCE and I'd like to avoid GNOME
> dependencies.  Is it possible to recompile from abs without all these
> dependencies?
> thanks,
> Ananda

This is of course possible, the gstreamer ./configure script allows to
disable most of the dependency-heavy features. ./configure --help list
all possibilities. This for example is the configuration i use:

  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
    --disable-static --enable-experimental \
    --disable-schemas-install \
        --disable-gconf \
        --disable-hal \
        --disable-dv1394 \
        --disable-pulse \
        --disable-esd \
        --disable-esdtest \
        --disable-sunaudio \
        --disable-osx_audio \
        --disable-osx_video \
        --disable-flac \
        --disable-gst_v4l2 \
    --with-package-name="GStreamer Good Plugins (Archlinux)" \
    --with-package-origin=""; || return 1

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