Dude relax - I was offering you the services of the company I work for. However, I far from own the company, I am just a tech. Even so, I didn't feel it was appropriate to respond to the mailing list. Sorry that offended you so much.
Spamming you? Absolutely not sir. I am a proud arch user is all- I don't sit here reading thru the Arch list skimming for opportuniites, I just felt like it would be more appropriate to respond to you directly. If that is against the mailing list rules I shaint do it again. ----- Original Message ---- From: Sam Harada <s...@peasantoid.org> To: Jonathan Brown <jbs...@yahoo.com> Sent: Sat, March 20, 2010 1:22:18 AM Subject: Re: [arch-general] Dedicated Arch servers On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:26:12AM -0700, Jonathan Brown wrote: > I am a NOC technician at a data center- > > I will install it for you if you like- > > We have some pretty good deals on servers > > email sdod...@sagonet.com > and tell him what kind of dedicated server you are looking for and he'll give > you a good deal- > Be sure to tell him that Jon B. recommended you contact him and that I said I > will install Arch Linux on the server and that there won't be any extra > charge to install that OS > > Bear in mind, we do try to help our unmanaged dedicated server customers as > much as possible with software issues etc and anything else that we can up to > a point (meaning if it gets intensive we will usually have to charge ATS > etc), but we don't really support Arch, and I'm the only one there with > experience with Arch.. so it would truly be unmanaged, unless you happen to > catch me as your support technician when you open a support ticket.. > > That being said - get a dedicated server from us and I'll gladly throw Arch > on there for ya! (I honestly think out of our 5000+ servers, there is not > ONE with Arch .. lol) You probably should have responded to arch-general@archlinux.org rather than my address. Either that or you're spamming me. Please don't. Protip: Make your email client respect the Reply-To header.