On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Thomas Bächler <tho...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> Am 18.03.2010 18:00, schrieb Aaron Griffin:
>>> or you can try Linode  which is my personnel fav provider for Unmanaged VPS
>> Additionally, Slicehost is still good, but I think spec-wise, the
>> above 3 are better
> Linode has the nice advantage that
> a) it has pv-grub, so you can easily use kernel26-ARCH instead of a
> kernel provided by the hoster
> b) you get direct access to the Xen console, so you can watch the
> machine boot and fix stuff
> Point b) is seldom possible with dedicated servers (unless you pay
> extra), and also rare for a VPS. Point a) is usually not available on VPS.

Slicehost has (b), but you are stuck using their custom kernel

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