On 12.03.2010 16:48, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Am 12.03.2010 16:37, schrieb Aaron Griffin:
>>> Using the core installing then just upgrading kernel26 and
>>> kernel26-firmware to 2.6.33 worked just in case anyone was wondering.
>>> Got networking up finally :)
>> Yeah, I was going to suggest just pulling the kernel updates onto a
>> thumb drive or something
> Someone (as in not me) should really make archiso easier to use and
> document it better. The ultimate goal would be the ability to run one
> single command to get an up to date ISO - without any more configuration
> or other tweaking.
Just get my AUR package (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=25996)
to get the utils installed on your system and clone git (git clone
git://projects.archlinux.org/archiso.git) to get the scripts. Then go to
archiso/configs/syslinux-iso/ and run make.
This should get you an updated set of isos for your architecture.

Also, I'm trying hard to keep the archiso wiki article
(http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Archiso) updated and in good shape
to make it easier to make your own Arch-based distribution.

Please let me know if there's anything else left to document until
archiso becomes usuable to you.

-- Sven-Hendrik

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