On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:17:07 +0000
Damien Churchill <dam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12 March 2010 12:14, Dieter Plaetinck <die...@plaetinck.be> wrote:
> > you can also build your own iso's using archiso.
> > it's pretty easy, although you need archiso from git and you must
> > let it look in a repository that contains a 2.6.33 package (ie
> > archlinux testing)
> >
> > Dieter
> >
> Ok cool, thanks!
> I'm just going to try installing using the core cd and then copying
> the kernel and firmware packages over via flash, if that fails too
> then I'll resort to creating my own cd!

you could also try a netinstall cd and enable the testing repository
in /tmp/pacman.conf.  IIRC aif (the installer) uses pacman with that
config file, so it might just work, although i never tried it myself.
if you are not afraid of looking at bash scripts, look at the source
code of aif then you'll see how exactly
it works.


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