Am 07.03.2010 12:03, schrieb Dieter Plaetinck:
Couldn't find any discussion about this,
but what about we maintain our packages in git instead of svn?
1) git is awesome
That is a personal opinion, not an argument.
2) we don't need abs/rsync anymore. users can just read from git.
Users would have to learn git commands.
3) git network communication is more efficient then rsync (afaik)
Maybe, I do not know.
4) users can check out older versions of packages easily, with
limited storage overhead.
Do you want to store binary packages in the git repo? Maybe I misunderstand you.
Checking out older PKGBUILDs would be doable in svn also, I guess.
5) makes it easier to maintain forks of packages (have your
own git repository with some changes, then merge in upstream changes to
keep them up to date. upstream == arch linux here)
1) using git for abs will use more disk space because you need the
checkout + the repo (a 60% or increase or so? my abs tree is now 57MB,
so even if this becomes 100MB that's still ok imho)
2) svn->git migration is not trivial, since tools, the website, .. will
need to be adapted.
We should not do that. git imho is by far to complicated for end users to use.
Lets keep it easy.
Regards Stefan