On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:11:12PM +0000, Michishige Kaito wrote: > Maybe I'm just not understanding how Arch works, so please forgive my > ignorance. I come from ubuntu, and there you get development headers for > most packages by following the naming convention, which is package-dev. A > quick apt-cache search package | grep dev would yield the right package. > Now, I'm trying to obtain these on my fresh arch, but can't seem to find > anything through pacman search or google. Anyone could hint me in the right > direction? > > If it's useful, I need the dev headers for sqlite3.
I'm by no means an Arch expert, but as far as my experience goes Arch will install the -dev part along with the normal package. At least that seems to happen for most packages that provide libraries etc., if you install the lib you get the headers as well. Ciao, -- FA O tu, che porte, correndo si ? E guerra e morte !