On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Michishige Kaito
<chris.webs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> Maybe I'm just not understanding how Arch works, so please forgive my
> ignorance. I come from ubuntu, and there you get development headers for
> most packages by following the naming convention, which is package-dev. A
> quick apt-cache search package | grep dev would yield the right package.
> Now, I'm trying to obtain these on my fresh arch, but can't seem to find
> anything through pacman search or google. Anyone could hint me in the right
> direction?
> If it's useful, I need the dev headers for sqlite3.

Dev things come with the regular packages. Just install the sqlite3
package. In general, if you know the name of a file you want, you can
use "pkgfile" (from the "pkgtools" package) to find the right package.

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