There is no rescue shell for when the kernel is broken ? I remember having broken archlinux 3 times, mostly the graphical interface. I have installed only one time archlinux. No need to reinstall to fix it.
By the way, I'm fine with the way kernel are handled. And I doesn't understand why we should have 2 or more vmlinuz with some weird var in their names. That's archlinux, not ubuntnoob (not sure of the spelling.) But, having older package hanging in repos, no support, just the bunch of bit making an archive, could be something good. People can this way get older kernel, and try if there are less buggy. Probably that most of the time older kernel will be more buggy. But user will have the choice to downgrade there kernel, even if they haven't the space te keep every package in their cache. I feel the need to repeat, that letting package in the repo doesn't need that these package need support. Just to be in wget range at least. Allowing pacman to downgrade the kernel from the repo would be the best, but it's more work than forgetting the head-1 version of a major package in repo. -- Cordialement, Coues Ludovic 06 148 743 42 -- () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail /\ - against proprietary attachments