On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Nilesh Govindarajan <li...@itech7.com> wrote:
> Well, Arch is rolling release distro, I agree. Arch rocks. But only one
> thing. pacman should support installing multiple kernels. Developers need
> not maintain the old version. Let it be in the cache of the user. But pacman
> should not remove the older one after upgrade.

Do you understand what you are actually implying here? Pacman doesn't
"remove the older one", it upgrades a package.

The kernel26 package installs its files in *the same place every
time*. We don't do auto-modification of your grub menu; we don't tack
on a version string to each vmlinuz image, and we don't (except for
major kernel version bumps) have the modules in a different directory
under /lib/modules/. This is nowhere near as simple of a proposition
as you make it out to be.


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