On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Daenyth Blank <daenyth+a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:01, Ananda Samaddar
> <ananda.samad...@vfemail.net> wrote:
>> I really like Arch. I switched about a year ago after being a Debian
>> user for nine years.  There is something that troubles me though about
>> Arch.  Its lack of security focus.
> Basically this and everything related to it comes down to manpower.
> Every time it gets brought up, the response is "that would be nice"
> and then no one does anything. If you want to make it happen, then
> work on submitting patches and doing the legwork that needs to be
> done.

Don't forget: everyone is interested in "starting discussions" or
"planning" or "drawing up plans", but when it comes to the actual work
well, then the original initiators get disinterested. It's as if the
problem is purely academic and all that's needed is a solution and
things will simply get implemented.

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