>> > There was a very simple suggestion some message ago, why not
>> > dual-license the CDDL parts of cdrtools and be done with any and all
>> > the FUD (from any side), all the anomisity, and trolling.
>> Or the other way around: put mkisofs under CDDL, so the package has a
>> homogeneous license?
> I could proably rightfully do this if I did stop supporting Apple HFS (well we
> have Apple specific UDF support since 2007).
> This would be based on being able to drop sinle entity contributions below 
> 5-10%
> ofh the whole code.
> Would it be worth to do so? I am not convinced. The GPL was intentionally
> opened against any kind of libraries after it turned out that the first GCC
> version was legally unusable. I was part of this discussion and thus I know
> about this fact. The project "mkisofs" just uses independent libraries under
> CDDL and this is explicitely permitted for GPLd programs.

You can always dual-license it...
GPL for the stupid people* and CDDL for the smart ones.

The Apple HFS stuff would be then CDDL only, and distros could disable it.

* not my opinion, but for the sake of argument

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