>> Perhaps he's annoyed because he wrote a big important piece of software and >> everyone refuses to use it because of BS claims that he's going to sue them. >> Wouldn't it make you angry if you went to the trouble to write something >> like this and everyone ditched it over claims by someone who just wants to >> make their shitty fork popular? > > Not to sound trite, but if I was in this situation, I would attempt to > provide as much factual evidence as possible, rather than call people > names, rant a lot, and never provide anything more than hearsay. > Science: it works, bitches
I've read a lot of threads where Jörg is always the same. Jörg, please, please, please ... I trust you that your software is supperior but try to be less insulting to other people. I'm sure you don't see your attitude as difficult, but it is (we can never see our own failings). There was a very simple suggestion some message ago, why not dual-license the CDDL parts of cdrtools and be done with any and all the FUD (from any side), all the anomisity, and trolling. please... how is that harder than taking part in 1000 fruitless dicussions on the internet? -- damjan